Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dad's B-ball Team w/Subs!

Saying that Derek loves the 'NORTH CAROLINA TARHEELS' would be an under-statement! Ever since I have known the man, He has been a serious FAN! One could only imagine how excited he was to go back east last spring and watch them in person at the NCAA Playoffs in North Carolina!!! He was invited by my brother David and his son, and they got to tour the campus and everything!! Man, what a trip!! He was a proud Dad to come home with 'Tarheel' t-shirts for his girls! We have all enjoyed them and even took a family photo wearing them. I would post that photo, but Derek & I look like the old serious couple where the man is holding a pitch-fork (the kids look cute though)!

1 comment:

Janacy said...

LOL You can make me laugh.... I am totally wondering HOW you two could even look like the old lady and man in that picture :D

You've got a dang cute family!!!


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